Larissa Anthony has a Bachelor of Arts degree (criminology, psychology, & religious studies) from Saint Mary’s University, a Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Victoria, and is now pursuing a Master of Social Work degree at Dalhousie University. Larissa has four years experience, in a variety of roles, working with young people who were at risk and/or youth involved with the child welfare system. Larissa’s passion is working with children, families, and communities, and she believes change is possible through advocacy and working together. In her off-time Larissa is involved with the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization in her community. Larissa’s outlook on life is to ACT: Aware, Care, and There. She demonstrates this in her work by being aware of the positionality of others, showing she cares for others through empathy and caring gestures, and being there for those around her both professionally and personally, whether through actions or being mindfully present.