
Cathy Morris

Published: February 22, 2023

Cathy Morris, B.Ed., BSW, MSW. RSW, CCPA – Cathy has worked with children, youth and…

Cathy Morris, B.Ed., BSW, MSW. RSW, CCPA – Cathy has worked with children, youth and families for more than 34 years in many capacities across the Province & Nationally and prior to assuming the role of Chief Executive Officer, Cathy was the Provincial Director and Founding Coordinator for the development of the Child & Youth Advocacy Centre for Newfoundland & Labrador. Prior to joining Key Assets NL in 2019, she was a Program and Policy Consultant for In-Care with the Provincial Department of Children Seniors and Social Development. It was in this position that Cathy had the pleasure of initially working collaboratively with KANL to develop, pilot, evaluate and regulate some of the program that continues to be an important KANL services available to children, youth and families in Newfoundland & Labrador.

Cathy brings a multitude of expertise and experience as an administrator and leader, particularly in supporting families in child protection and in-care at the regional, provincial, and national level. Cathy is highly skilled and knowledgeable in trauma response, assessment, investigations, policy and program development, child protection programming, legislation and regulatory requirement in the provision of services to vulnerable children, youth and families. She was instrumental in developing the first Child, Youth and Family Regulations for family-based and residential care in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2019.


Cathy cares deeply about the well-being of children, youth, and families. She is a provincial, national, and global trauma responder and a member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association in Canada. Cathy currently volunteers with several agencies and boards both at the provincial and national level and is a member of the national Sexual Assault Investigations Review Committee with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.